In my last blogpost I mentioned that after my ''5 places I would like to go in Australia''-post there will be another one like that, so today I am back with the 5 things I would like to do in Australia. Enjoy!
Before I start I have to say that these are the things I would like to do in Australia, so they are just the typical aussie things. They are NOT all I want to do during my exchange! If this post was about everything I would like to experience during my exchange year I would write about some lazy rainy afternoons in front of the TV with my host family or unforgettable days with my friends, because this is definitely more meaningful for me as the stuff I will tell you about right know.
Well, that was just something I wanted to mention because it was important for me that you guys know. :)
Taking photos with koalas and kangaroos, Australians most well-known animals, is something you HAVE TO to do when it takes you to Australia. I don't even know one single exchange student who came back without one of this cute photos. Maybe these sweet pictures make you forget about all the disgusting spiders haha.
I think standing one a surfboard and hitting the waves would be just a overwhelming experience! I am going to live straight on the coast, so a little surf lesson from time to time would definitely be manageable.
Australians are known for there passion of having barbecues, or like the real aussies would say: barbies. Even tough I eat meat just in low ranges, I am anyway a big meat lover, so I can not wait to experience my first Australian barbecue with my host family or the friends that I will hopefully make.4. EATING TIM TAMS AND VEGEMITE
Tim Tams are chocolate biscuits, and as I heard, very yummy ones! Vegemite is a Australian dark brown food paste and the opinions about it are very variable. The Australians self like it but people from abroad hmm... not. Some Austrians I know say it tastes a bit like ''Maggie''. I am excited about trying any Australian food I get the chance to, especially Tim Tams and Vegemite.
As I already told you, I am going to spend my year at the Sunshine Coast about 1 hour north of Brisbane. On the Sunshine Coast there are many offers for skydiving and I can not describe how happy I am about this. What is skydiving? Well, basically you take off in the sky with a small helicopter and then you jump out of this helicopter and have a amazing free fall until your parachute lifts up and you debark at the beach. It is no that I am crazy or something haha a skydive has always been something I wanted to do and I would be incredible if I could experience it.SOME INFORMATIONS! My last two posts were kind of different than the others, because it was more about some random stuff I guess. It is just that right know nothing exciting happens expect of waiting for so news from my organization. The next post is going to be more focused on my exchange year itself. I do not know yet but maybe the next one is going to be after my preparation meeting at 14th of May or a bit earlier if I get some news from my organization or something. Oh, and it will be on german again! I just thought that this "5 places/things"-posts are good for writing in english but I do not plan doing it constantly.
Thanks for taking your time! Have a great day.